Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 7

Day 7.  Lucky 7!  This is the last day I take 7 SP Cleanse pills at each meal.  And only 4 more days before I can add Lean meat like chicken or fish.  I figure if I can make it until Saturday I am home free.

This morning I woke up feeling great.  I continue to be headache free.  Hard to believe it's been 6 days since I've had any caffeine.  When I made my husband coffee this morning I did long for a cup of hot java!!  But I know soon enough I'll be able to have a cup.  I wonder how the caffeine will make me feel at that point?  MMMM, Interesting thought.

What a journey it has been these last 7 days.  I never thought I would be able to do something like this.  Even I doubted myself.  However, now that I'm 7 days in, I feel unstoppable.  You never stop to think about the benefits of the program outside of physical health.  Doing this has increased my own self confidence.  With each passing day I feel more and more confident about what I can accomplish.  Not only with the program but other parts of my life.  I haven't been able to find a negative to doing the program yet.  Even if I'm missing out on food that I love, it's only for 21 days.  I mean who can't give up or start something for 21 days?  If there are 365 days in a year, it's really not that much.

Just think come February 1st, I will have a clean healthy body and a rejuvenated mind!  Ready to take on the year!

And my good habits continue to rub off on Evan.  He's drinking more and more water.  Yet another benefit.  Today a friend of mine messaged to tell me I've inspired her to drink less soda.  She's a mother of 3 kids and needs to be as healthy as she can.  That made me really happy, she's one of my best friends in life and I'm glad we are inspiring each other!

Closing for now, with lots of energy and a positive outlook for Tuesday!

Party on!

***Evening Update****

Wow, that's it! I made it through 7 full days!  Tomorrow I start my 2nd week of the cleanse.

I did a 1 mile walk work out again and now I'm going to finish the evening with some Yoga.  I have plenty of energy.  I made a large batch of Red Pepper soup tonight for dinner, so I can have some for a few days.  Roasting and peeling those peppers takes time, but it's something I've never done.  Now I'm thinking of all the recipes I can make once I'm finished the 21 days.

Thanks again to everyone who takes time to comment, FB or email me words of encouragement.  I've got 2 friends now who say I'm inspiring them to eat better!  That makes me happy.  Goodness knows if I can do it ANYONE can!!

Talk to you all on Wednesday!  DAY 8!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey there! I am on Day 9, so almost right there with you.

    Are you tracking your weight, too? I have lost about a lb. a day! WOW!

    Thanks for this and keep up the great work! :)

    1. Hi, I just started tracking my weight. I estimate I've lost about the same. Amazing isn't it? I love that we are near each other on our days. Let me know how you're doing! Good Luck! You keep up the great work too!

  2. Thank you! I will keep following you and check in over the next week and half!

    I am so excited to add meat to the diet! I have sushi plans tonight, so I'm going to go for the fish 12 hours early. Sorry, SP Cleanse Gods! ;)

    I actually seem to have plateaued a bit in my weight loss over the past two days, but I think that is directly attributed to taking the exercise part a bit more seriously. I do want to sweat out those toxins! Toxin elimination is most of the reason why I have embarked on the SP journey...the weight loss part is definitely a perk, though!

    Yaaay, keep it up! :)

    - K

    1. I am looking forward to some meat on Saturday! And I'm going to increase my exercise as well. I seem to be stuck at my weight loss too, so I"ll need to get more active. I also am more interested in the Toxin elimination. I was a sugar addict. Seriously, like eating icing out of the tub kind of addict! I'm so glad we can compare stories!!

      How was the Sushi?
      Stay Strong!!
      Mindy :)
