Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I really want

is a little peace in our own country.

It seems as if we are always trying to spread peace and liberty everywhere in the world.  Yet, right here in our own country we continue to bicker and fight like little kids.

Today I feel a little like a child in a divorce.  While we realize the 2 parties may never reconcile, we would like them to come to some common ground.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I don't agree with the extremists who say we shouldn't compromise at ALL.  I mean, seriously?  I do think there are issues on both sides that we can compromise on to create a better future for ourselves and our children.

I don't think the WE WON so do what we say attitude ever works.  We teach our children to be good sports, however those we elect can never play by the same rules.  I just listened to President Obama give his speech and I honestly think it's his best one ever.  He mentioned how the people have spoken and those elected to office work for "US"...the people.

There will always be disagreements but there has got to be some way to get our country back to work and maintain ourselves as the super power I know we are.

For example: Things like Gay Marriage.  Why do we continue to fight over this?  I believe the gay community marrying will not tear apart the fabric of our country.   We should compromise on this issue and allow them to marry.   Perhaps (hopefully) then the left would be more willing to listen to us on our issues.  Or it could happen in reverse...the bottom line is IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO GOES FIRST!! As long as we continue to work to preserve this great country.

Let's be honest, I will forever be a Conservative.  But I am an American first...may sound cliche but it's true.  You do have to pick your battles in life.  I'd rather fight for an unborn child's life than to prevent 2 people from marrying.  

I've learned in life that you can't please EVERYONE!!  Goodness, I'm planning a High School reunion for about 100 people and I realize not everyone will be happy.  How do we expect an entire country to agree on EVERY issue?  Impossible.

And something's gotta give.  How long can our country withstand this fighting?  Maybe years?  Centuries??  Maybe not.  Maybe it is at a breaking point.

I'm just saying what I really want is peace right here at home.

I really love this song and what it has to say.  Lyrics below.

"More "stars" than stripes - a revolution needs a war and this war needs a revolutionary - fight for your rights - the constitution speaks of speech that's free open your mouths from sea to shining sea - so will the real Americans please stand up - no more hiding your face in the sand - will the real Americans please stand up - divided we've fallen but united we'll stand!
Somethin' ain't right - when politicians take from you and me the very liberties that set us free - so stand up and fight - for this "democracy" is you and me - we're the re-founders saddle up let's ride - now will the real Americans please stand up - no more hiding your face in the sand - will the real Americans please stand up - divided we've fallen but united we'll...
Stand up, stand strong, stand tall and we'll keep these walls from fallin' - stand up, stand strong, stand tall and we'll keep these walls from fallin'
There's somethin' happenin' here - what it is ain't exactly unclear - politicians with our lives in their hands - tellin' you and me which way we should stand...I think it's time we stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - down...what's goin' down?"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sometimes it just all works out.

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook the other day:

There is a cost to not responding, a cost to not doing what you are suppose to do. While you may get away with it for a little while but sooner or later it will catch up with you. Be accountable, lead well, show love through the action of following thru and doing what needs to be done.

So often people don't do the simplest of things.  Being accountable is a big one.  So often they take the easy road of blaming someone else.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finally hitting my stride...

It only took me 4 years...but I think I'm getting this whole motherhood thing down. When I look back and think about how terrified I was, it's amazing I EVER left the house. I know I've learned a few things over the past couple years. One being, I now know what true friendship is and who my friends are. I can sometimes really be fooled, and I was shocked by that. I've had to also come to terms with some painful "relationships" ending. I don't call them friendships, because if they were friends they never would have stopped being my friend. Some of these endings were lifelong experiences and some were very new. What do you think was harder? I'm not really sure. I think the new ones just made you feel like an idiot for trusting, the old ones have so much history attached.

I've learned neither my kid or I need a "Mom's Playgroup" to enjoy our lives. In fact, I have only found groups of mother's to be mean and hurtful. So, I've plucked out the good people and moved on!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Am I doing this right?

I mean life in general. Do you think I am doing it right? One day I feel like "Hey I really nailed it" and others I feel like "Can I get a Do Over?" But I guess what's important is that you just keep trying to get it right. And you should surround yourself with people who want you to get it right. I really do try!

And even when I'm not getting it right I'm thankful to the people who stick by me. We are all guilty of expecting our fellow human beings to be perfect. When they slip up we are so shocked and surprised. Perhaps a little self reflection is needed. We are all flawed, we all slip up. I think it's how we handle those slip ups that really matters in the end.

So as I fumble through friendships, motherhood, marriage, etc...just allow me to make good on my slip ups. You never know when you may not be getting it right either.

I leave you with a bit of Crows....see you in August Adam.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Avery Davis Memorial Fund

Many of my friends and family who did not know a friend of mine supported me while I was raising money for the "Avery Davis Memorial Fund" Since not everyone is on Facebook, I wanted to post the thank you and Avery's Eulogy from the Davis' Family.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my friends and family who showed support. None of could imagine having to endure the hardships the Davis' have endured. To follow is the Thank You message written by the Davis Family and then the Eulogy given at Avery's Funeral.

Jim, Abby & I would like to thank everyone for the card, prayers and money that was sent to us. This year has been unimanigible. This journey has been beyond difficult, losing Avery has put everything in our lives in perspective, and has made us stronger as a family and has made us realize how precious life is. Avery Michael was born silently on February 10th, at 11:50 a.m. weighting 5 lbs, 6 ounces and was 21 inches long. Jim, my mom and myself got to spend a significant amount of time with him, holding him and kissing him. He was a beautiful little boy, blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked just like Abby when she was born, such a precious life taken way too soon. Our hearts are continuing to heal, although our lives will never be the same, knowing we have such caring friends and family in our lives mean more to us than you can imagine.
We thank each and everyone of you who donated. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Also, please DO-NOT hesitate to call us anytime, both Jim and myself we love talking about Avery and that is a way of for us to heal, we are proud of him, he will be a part of our lives forever.
Thank you again,
The Davis'

Eulogy from the Funeral.

I feel like I am living in a bad dream,
this can't be real,
the hole in my heart is surreal,
the wound ever so deep,
the love that I have for you every so sweet,
my arms ache in pain,
I feel at times I am going insane,
I want you,
I need you,
I feel the need to explore every inch of you,
I kissed you from head to toe,
how beautiful you are,
forever in my heart,
I picture your first's,
playing in the dirt,
your first cry,
the cries I hear in the night,
only to wake up in a panic,
going from room to room,
searching for you,
only to come to the realization these things will never be,
there will be no firsts,
no diapers, no 1 am feedings,
no cries in the night,
only emptiness inside,
your big sister how she loves you so,
I can't fix this, no-one can,
I don't want to hear "God has a plan,"
my plan was to hold a baby in hand,
my God doesn't cause pain,
he will only help heal,
although I don't think that's possible,
My Precious Little Avery,
I can't express my pain,
my baby,
my little boy,
how you will be missed, until one day,
I will walk into the loving arms of the Lord,
will I meet with you again,
arms stretched open wide,
only then will be complete.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I have stuff to do....

Dear Allergies:

I have stuff to do. I do not have time for all of this itching and stuffiness. You're driving me nuts. I'm finding myself praying for rain. I looked you up today on line, Mr. Allergy, and it says the tree pollen is "Very High". Tomorrow you are supposed to go down about this....just go away. NOBODY wants you here!! You ARE NOT welcome.

I have a craft room that was supposed to be cleaned up, laundry to do, general housekeeping duties, a life to live and YOU ALLERGIES are screwing it all up! Oh and by the way Mr. Allergy I have a 3 1/2 year old that wants nothing more than to be outside right now. Can you see how you are really messing everything up? I'm so drugged up right now I feel like Sid Vicious. I got my hair done tonight and look super cute and I don't even care! All because of you and your selfish ways.

So please, please please go back to where you came from. The only ones happy to have you are Puffs Plus with Lotion and Claritin D and Mucinex D and Tylenol that too many drugs for one day?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stuff I'm doing...

I've just about had it with "Facebook Friends". Periodically I go through my Friends list and weed people out. Last week I totally deactivated my account for a few days. It was so liberating! But I have a new rule. If I don't really know you and you like to write offensive things on my profile or post obnoxious statuses. I will just delete you. I'm so through debating these people on everything from rain to Obama and everything in between.

I mean it's MY profile right? My name is on it. I will post and for that matter VIEW what I damn well please. And these people I have on my friends list who have NEVER even once corresponded with me. They are going to go as well. Personally I don't feel validated by having a large number of friends on Facebook. And I'm also just not that nosey. If I don't care about you enough to talk to you I really don't want to see you on vacation or what little Sally is doing. I just don't care that much.

Now, please don't misunderstand me. Just because I delete you doesn't mean I feel any ill will towards you AT ALL. In fact, maybe if you sent me a nice message once in a while we could fall back in to Facebook Friends good graces. Until then....

Let's see what's next. Oh with a tip from my friend Jeannie I have started reading the book The Secret. So far it's pretty interesting. My interpretation of it is that you have to start thinking more positively and good things will happen. I have ALWAYS believed that. My whole life I've tried to think positive about people, jobs, relationships. Have any of you heard of it or read it?

I'll keep you updated on the book and what changes I may make as a result of reading it! I think weeding out negative forces on Facebook is one result!!

Easter is just a few days away, and I can't wait to celebrate with the Family. I hope you all have a great Easter!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I forgot about this blog.

That may sound like a silly name for a blog post. But I had originally created this blog so that I would have some outlet for what I was thinking. Isn't it funny, how I never have time to post much less remembering it's even there? Well, I'll just ramble...and we'll see where it goes.

Life sure does get away from you. I'm going to be 38 this year. I really never thought I'd make it this far! :) I'm what I used to consider old. I no longer feel that way!! Now I consider 100 old!

So my point is....Evan has a blog that I keep up fairly regularly, yet this one I totally forgot about. So typical I guess. Although I do hate the term "Me Time". Not sure why that is. But I can feel a difference when I've had some time to get away and not be "Mommy".

To be honest not much has been bugging me lately. Can you believe it? I know...nutty. I'm at peace with most things in my life. There are few relationships I'd like to bring closure to. Some family, some just personal. But how do you do that? If you are at odds with someone and there seems to be no way to resolve it what do you do? Are there people in your life that you just have to write off. I think that's true for some, but family? How do you do that when you have history. It's something I struggle with. I'm very lucky right now, I have zero to no conflict in my life. The friends that I choose to spend my time with are genuine and good people. As we get older I think we get better at weeding out the "bad eggs"! At least I like to think so.

I'm totally stoked about summer. The Kiracofe family has a very busy summer. Chris is still in Afghanistan and will be until Junish/Julyish/Augustish!! That's the Marine Corps for you!! We plan on going to N.C. to welcome him home whenever that is. June 1st we are going to Hawaii for 2 weeks. And then of course our Annual 2 weeks in Corolla. Our family really looks forward to that. It's our time to just unplug from the outside world and enjoy our time together. This will be our 4th year in Corolla. Corolla is not for everyone. It's a really quiet place, but it has a fair amount of stuff to do. We love it and can't even think of staying anywhere else. So Evan will get to see a lot this summer! Let's hope I make it through.

So, ok, that was totally random. I promise to be more focused in the future....or not!