Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 6

Waking up this morning was a breeze.  I think I'm just in a better all around mood too!

I started off this morning with a shake.  I've read on other blogs about trouble taking all the pills at every meal.  So far that's been really easy.  I usually can't even take a multi vitamin on an empty stomach without feeling sick.  What I'm currently taking for each meal is 3 Gastro Fiber Pills before a meal on an empty stomach.  And then while I'm eating I take 7 SP Cleanse pills.  I think since they have all natural ingredients and are capsules they are easily digested.  Even, with my usually sensitive stomach I have no trouble.  The Gastro Fiber pills are designed to help you feel full.  Hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day I'll take the 7 SP Cleanse pills.  Tomorrow will mark one full week on the program!

There is no sign of a headache today and I"m hoping it's a repeat of yesterday.  It's so hard to describe the great feeling unless you feel it for yourself.  Keep in mind I haven't had any meat, salt, sugar, processed food, dairy or artificial sugar in 6 days!  Today I'm going to try and make some Red Pepper soup.  I would like some warm food alternated in with the the fruits, veggies and shakes.  The plan does allow 1 cup of brown rice a day, but I did find that kinda gross.  Maybe once I can put chicken in it that will help.

Hope everyone has a great day!!

****Evening Update****

Had a really great day today.  Lots of energy and no headaches.  I had some minor neck pain, but it went away after just an hour or so.  Not sure it has anything to do with the cleanse, probably just how I slept.

For dinner I was really craving something spicy and hot.  So I found a recipe that I could modify to fit the plan.  Basically, omitting butter, sugar and chicken stock  It was so delicious!!  Roasting the red peppers & garlic I think, really made a difference.  The soup really hit the spot and now I'm dreaming of making it again with some shredded chicken and corn!  Hey a girl can dream!

I also fit in a 1 mile walking workout video today.  Evan tried to do it along with me, very funny.

Feeling better and better each day.  With each passing day I'm more and more confident and strong about doing the program.  I have to admit I'm extremely proud of myself so far.  Reading some other info on the internet I'm so glad I haven't cheated.  No bread, candy, sugar, sodas, etc.  Amazing!!

Thanks to everyone for commenting, it really helps and like Koren said, keeps me accountable!!  I don't want to let you all down!


  1. Try our lentils recipe! Remember, you're allowed 1/2 c. brown rice/day, and 1 cup of lentils.

    We use it on salads instead of croutons. If you'll message me your name and email address on the Perry Chiropractic Clinic,Inc. Facebook page, I'll be happy to add you to our emails--the January one is on SP Detox and has the lentils recipe.
    You're doing great!
    Becky Nelsen
    Perry Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.

    1. Thanks Becky, I actually meant 1/2 Cup of brown rice, but when I typed it I guess I put 1 cup.

      I would love for you to email that info, so I well message you. Can't wait to try some new stuff!!

      Thank you so much!
      Mindy :)

  2. Congrats :) and you should be proud of yourself :)
