21 Days of following the Standard Process Purification Process (www.standardprocess.com)
21 Days of eating healthy fresh foods
21 Days with no Starbucks
21 Days of learning how to eat better
21 Days of having renewed energy
21 Days to kick start my weight loss
I could go on and on listing all of the benefits of the last 21 days. If you have followed my blog these past few weeks then you already know how I've benefited from this process. If you haven't followed, then you have some catching up to do! :)
It is really hard to even put into words how I feel tonight. I did it. Mindy followed through and really did it. I completed all 21 days. I roasted peppers, tried broccoli, ate lentils, turned down snacks, watched others eat my favorite foods and opened my mind to learning new things.
One person I want to thank is my Acupuncturist, Judith. Without her recommending this program I would never have had this experience. Thank You THANK YOU!!! Anyone interested in doing the Standard Process Cleanse or Acupuncture should contact her @ www.montgomeryacupuncture.com
She will change your life!!! For more information on my acupuncture experience check out Day 8.
My darling husband has been amazing!! Tonight he even promised that together we would stop eating all the bad stuff we used to. I love him and his support means everything to me.
Ok, enough of the Oscar speeches!
I'm a bottom line kind of gal, so bottom line if you feel like junk all the time or are sick all the time, try this. I added in exercise in the form of walking, weight bearing exercise and Yoga. These things, in my opinion, are key to the program. I lost about 15 lbs. Since I made a point not to weight myself in the beginning and obsessively I only know what I weighed about January 1st. And since then I'm down 15 lbs. 10 days prior to starting the SPPP I was trying to drink more water, use portion control and step down my caffeine. My clothes are fitting better and I'm digging out jeans that I haven't worn in a few years!
I am going to continue to post weekly updates on my Post Purification. I hope you will follow and keep me honest! Accountability is really important!
A lot of people have asked me what's the 1st thing I'm going to eat tomorrow...and I really didn't know how to answer. After giving it some thought, I think I came up with this:
Something that makes my body feel good. I hope you do the same.
Congratulations :)