Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 14

Who said that?

Day 14?  I have found myself smack dab in the middle of Purification Puberty!! HAHA!

Quite honestly today felt like any other normal day when I'm NOT Detoxing.  There have been many temptations.  Situations like walking into Wegman's and seeing the giant display of all my favorite candy! Buying chicken for my husband and smelling the seafood and catching my personal favorite...crab dip pretzel out of the corner of my eye.  But none of it will take my eye off the prize.  In just 7 days I will be celebrating my enormous success.  And no amount of chocolate or crab will stop me!

Today I also purchased another Pedometer.  I used to have one but it broke and I remembered how helpful it was for reminding me to stay active.  Chris and I used to have contests who could get the most steps!  Maybe I'll have to challenge him again!

After going through this I can't imagine going back to my old eating habits.  While I'll be glad to indulge in some favorites now and again, going back to how I was eating will never happen.  Perhaps that is part of the Purification Process, it strengthens your resolve to treat your body better.

Good Night!

Mindy :)


  1. Hi Mindy! I just found your blog after doing some research on the SP Cleanse. I've been a little nervous about starting because I don't want to be hungry & weak... but it looks like you are doing well so far... and it helps to read about your 'realistic' journey on this. Have you noticed any weight loss? Thanks for posting each day-- it helps me to know what is to come.

    1. Hi Emily!

      I'm glad you found me! My experience was quite the opposite, I haven't been tired or weak. I'm going to post an update tonight, since it's Day 20! I thought I might be boring everyone! :) Doing your research is smart, and planning! I'm going to write more about that tonight too! And yes, I definitely lost weight...about 15 lbs! I have also been exercising more during the program and plan to keep it up post-purification. You can also email me at kirakitty72@aol.com with any questions. I look forward to hearing about your progress!!
