Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I want to know who you are!!

OK, this may seem minor but it is something that just baffles the hell out of me.

Why is it when you leave a store like Target, Kohls, Wal-Mart (any store with cart parking) you see a little gaggle of carts juuuuust outside of the massive cart parking section? What happened to these people? Here are a few theories I have come up with.

  1. They just passed out from shopping exhaustion and couldn't push any further. Medics were brought in and they were carried out on a gurney. Thus having to leave their cart in the middle of the walkway.
  2. While leaving the store they received an urgent phone call that did not allow them to take the 1.8 seconds it takes to properly store their cart and had to rush home to revive a family member. (doubtful, but I'm trying to figure this out)
  3. They are lazy, oblivious, pathetic, inconsiderate A-holes that have no sense and have no right to be in public.

MMMM, I'm going with number 3.

If you are one of these people who do this and have a valid and reasonable reason for doing so please, comment and tell me what it is!

Am I the only one who has ever noticed this?

I promise to get a picture the next time this happens. Which will probably be this afternoon, since I have to go to Target and PetsMart.

Which leads me to my next question. Is it Pet Smart or Pets Mart? :)


  1. I'm going with number 3 also. What really pisses me off is when I come out of a store and instead of people putting the cart in the cart thingy, they've shoved it up onto the curb right next to my car!! Then I have to spend the next 5 minutes inspecting the front of my car lest someone have scratched it and I have to go back in to the store and bitch someone out. I think my husband might buy me anger managment classes for my birthday this year...

  2. I'm really going to like you Angie!! We'll be in those classes together for sure!! I know why does cart management "elude" some people? It's staggering.

  3. I always assumed they had to run back to the office to work on the Penske file, but #3 sounds like a winner.

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