It seems as if we are always trying to spread peace and liberty everywhere in the world. Yet, right here in our own country we continue to bicker and fight like little kids.
Today I feel a little like a child in a divorce. While we realize the 2 parties may never reconcile, we would like them to come to some common ground. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I don't agree with the extremists who say we shouldn't compromise at ALL. I mean, seriously? I do think there are issues on both sides that we can compromise on to create a better future for ourselves and our children.
I don't think the WE WON so do what we say attitude ever works. We teach our children to be good sports, however those we elect can never play by the same rules. I just listened to President Obama give his speech and I honestly think it's his best one ever. He mentioned how the people have spoken and those elected to office work for "US"...the people.
There will always be disagreements but there has got to be some way to get our country back to work and maintain ourselves as the super power I know we are.
For example: Things like Gay Marriage. Why do we continue to fight over this? I believe the gay community marrying will not tear apart the fabric of our country. We should compromise on this issue and allow them to marry. Perhaps (hopefully) then the left would be more willing to listen to us on our issues. Or it could happen in reverse...the bottom line is IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO GOES FIRST!! As long as we continue to work to preserve this great country.
Let's be honest, I will forever be a Conservative. But I am an American first...may sound cliche but it's true. You do have to pick your battles in life. I'd rather fight for an unborn child's life than to prevent 2 people from marrying.
I've learned in life that you can't please EVERYONE!! Goodness, I'm planning a High School reunion for about 100 people and I realize not everyone will be happy. How do we expect an entire country to agree on EVERY issue? Impossible.
And something's gotta give. How long can our country withstand this fighting? Maybe years? Centuries?? Maybe not. Maybe it is at a breaking point.
I'm just saying what I really want is peace right here at home.
I really love this song and what it has to say. Lyrics below.
"More "stars" than stripes - a revolution needs a war and this war needs a revolutionary - fight for your rights - the constitution speaks of speech that's free open your mouths from sea to shining sea - so will the real Americans please stand up - no more hiding your face in the sand - will the real Americans please stand up - divided we've fallen but united we'll stand!
Somethin' ain't right - when politicians take from you and me the very liberties that set us free - so stand up and fight - for this "democracy" is you and me - we're the re-founders saddle up let's ride - now will the real Americans please stand up - no more hiding your face in the sand - will the real Americans please stand up - divided we've fallen but united we'll...
Stand up, stand strong, stand tall and we'll keep these walls from fallin' - stand up, stand strong, stand tall and we'll keep these walls from fallin'
There's somethin' happenin' here - what it is ain't exactly unclear - politicians with our lives in their hands - tellin' you and me which way we should stand...I think it's time we stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - stop hey what's that sound everybody look at what's goin' - down...what's goin' down?"
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