It is why we have been losing ground for years.
I for one am through feeling guilty.
Liberals have no problem speaking their views. However, for some reason we conservatives have felt the need to have more people like us. What complete bull. I'm over it. This morning when I woke up I was even MORE over it. I have many liberal friends and sometimes find myself stifling my own views even while they openly display and PUSH theirs. So I'm just as guilty of Conservative Guilt. Well, that guilt trip is ending here and I'm offloading my baggage. Some of you may read this and not want to be my friend anymore. That would be sad, but this is how I feel. I've tolerated opposing views for years and if you find yourself not being able to tolerate mine than that is something you have to live with. I believe we can be friends and disagree. It just seems as if conservatives have a history of listening to how other people feel without feeling comfortable doing the same.
I find long drawn out paragraphs boring and tedious, so I'm going to just make a list of what I believe in and what I'll be fighting for in 2010 and 2012.
So you may ask...Mindy what makes you conservative?
- Not murdering babies. Now, that in itself sounds radical. Who cares. I'm glad I didn't flush my son down a sink. Do you realize it is perfectly legal to kill a baby that is born alive during a botched abortion? DO YOU? That is disgusting. One argument used is we must protect the rights and wishes of the mother to abort the child. What about the rights and wishes of that baby not to be tossed in a trash can or stabbed in the back of the neck to kill it? I also do not buy the argument that "Well, if they make it illegal people will still do it." WHAT? Then why not repeal all laws? Murder? Robbery? Rape? Child abuse? Heck, people are going to beat their kids whether or not there are laws on the books or not. Does it make anymore sense? Obama the rock star messiah that was just elected has a record of not protecting these babies. Check it here. Sickening.
- Less Government/Fiscally Conservative I don't want the government paying for my health insurance. I don't want the government bailing out companies with corrupt policies and greedy CEO's. I don't want my wealth spread around. Down with SOCIALISM! A liberal government should not mandate that I place my child in a pre-school as if I am not capable of caring for him.
- Marriage is between a man and a woman. Now I know this one is going to really get everyone going. BUT I DON'T CARE!! I do believe gays should have Civil Unions and equal not SPECIAL rights. Gays should be protected and treated fairly. No question. They should have all the rights of a heterosexual couple. However, marriage is a biblical union and most not all gays, mock the bible and what it stands for. Even consider themselves Atheists.
- Defend our Country and Constitution at any cost. Now this could be a long bullet point. When we are attacked by radical Islamist terrorist, we should go out into the world WHEREVER it is and defeat them! What other group has ever attacked us? And please...don't give me the Timothy McVeigh defense. That's weak. However, if Timothy McVeigh was part of a radical white group trying to destroy America I would say defeat them too. And yes, I'm aware Japan attacked us...I think we nipped that in the Enola Gay!! I'm tolerant of different religions, not terrorist religions. When you want to kill me and take away my freedom I tend to fight back. And here's a newsflash for all you liberals...they want you dead too! Not just us evil conservatives.
- I'm a proud full time mom: This is one I'm really guilty of trying to hide. Daycare is truly necessary for some and I completely understand that. However, if you are simply warehousing your child so that you can live in a bigger house, drive a new car and buy a Coach Purse then you don't deserve to be a parent. I see this happen all the time. Mother's will say to me..."We can't afford to have me stay home." Then they are off on MULTIPLE vacations, buying new cars and living wayyy beyond their means. There are many material things Jim and I would love to own, but we know we have to plan ahead. Sure he is employed now, but what if he's laid off in a year? It is OUR job, not the government's to plan for that. It takes sacrifice to put your child first. It's not always easy, but everyday I know we are doing the right thing. Evan was not planned, but we quickly adjusted our priorities. Some people have babies and NEVER adjust their priorities. One of my fondest memories as a child is being home WITH my mom and coming home TO my mom. Don't have them if you don't want to raise them.
- Guns. Easy one. We have a right to own them. Now go away. I could kill you by throwing a brick at your head, but nobody is here tearing my house down right now.
- DRILL BABY DRILL. I think this one is obvious. While I believe we must develop alternative energy solutions, we cannot ignore the immediate problem. We can't keep saying oh we won't reap the rewards of drilling in Alaska for 10 years. Well I'm sure if you thought we were 10 years away from a cure for cancer you would want to get started right??? This is another easy one.
I think this is a good start!! That being said, I also believe in recycling, humane treatment of animals and PEOPLE!!
I believe in respectful debate and not name calling. Bush Bashing is not a political party. Not everything in your life is George Bush's fault. I see these bumper stickers that say 1.20.09. I'm sure The Bush's are looking forward to it too!! Getting the hell out of the line of fire. I voted for W twice. He's a good man and not Hitler. Hitler was responsible for the torture, maiming, rape and death of millions of babies, children and adults. It's disgusting how this man has been treated. No matter how I feel about Obama I will always be accurate in my criticism. Not hateful.
A few Conservatives I look up to:
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Laura Ingraham, Michael Steele and Sarah Palin. Palin 2012
Whew...I feel sooo much better. I agree, we conservatives have a lot of work to do. We need to start nominating conservatives...not moderates. The democrats didn't nominate and elect a moderate!! They elected a FAR LEFT LIBERAL!!!
July 17, 1980 (from Ronald Reagan's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention)
"[The Democrats] say that the United States has had its days in the sun, that our nation has passed its zenith.… My fellow citizens, I utterly reject that view."
Indeed it is!!