Tuesday, July 8, 2008

When would 9% be good enough?

Would you keep your job if your clients/boss were happy with your performance only 9% of the time?

Before I dig into this let me first provide the facts. For the liberals out there, these might be new to you so just follow along and maybe you'll catch on!

Rasmussen Poll
Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters July 1, 2008 How would you rate the way Congress is doing its job?
Excellent 2% Good 7% Fair 36% Poor 52%

9% is unbelievable from a democratically led congress who's new leader on November 8, 2006 said "Democrats are prepared to govern and ready to lead.” – Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

How about the 100 broken promises? Not familiar with those? Check out this link to the HOUSE DEMOCRATS 100 BROKEN PROMISES. I recommend downloading the PDF as it has navigational tools that make perusing it very easy.

I remember the Election of 2006 very clearly. One reason, because Liberal Maryland voted, Robert Ehrlich out and voted in the complete disaster we have now, Martin O'Malley. O'Malley will require a post dedicated just to the colossal tax debacle he has created in my Great State of Maryland. I will say this; anyone that voted for him should ask themselves how they like the increase in state and sales tax. Fun isn't it? :) Good times.

Ok, as usual I digress. Another reason was the rose colored glasses that were distributed to all of America. When the congress became a democratic majority, they had some (not me) believing that food would taste better and skinned knees would tickle not sting. It was so staggering to watch Nancy Pelosi pontificate (definition: to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner) about how this new congress was the answer to all the alleged problems that this nation was enduring. That somehow the democrats were going to fix everything. I very nearly became excited about this super fabulous new world the democrats were going to create for us...but just for a split second. And it passed.

Take a look at just 2 of the 100 broken promises and maybe you'll see why we have to vote them out in November.

Let's go to Promise #16.
DEMOCRATIC PROMISE #16: Lower Gasoline PricesPromise: “Democrats have a plan to lower gas prices…join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.” – Then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Press Release, April 19, 2006
Broken Promise: “The average price of gasoline hit $3.218 a gallon Monday, up a stunning 11.5 cents the past week and just half a penny shy of the inflation-adjusted record, the government reported. The average is almost certain this week to pass the inflation-adjusted high of $3.223, recorded in May 1981 by the Energy Information Administration.” – “Average Gasoline Price Nears 1981 Average,” USA Today, May 22, 2007.Democrats have been in power for six months, and gas prices have gone up, not down.

Current National Average is: $4.10

What is the plan? I haven't seen it and I want to see it!

DEMOCRATIC PROMISE #89: Institute a Five-Day Work Week
Promise: “‘Next year, members of the House will be expected in the Capitol for votes each week by 6:30p.m. Monday and will finish their business about 2pm Friday,’ Hoyer said.” – “Culture Shock on Capitol Hill: House to Work Five Days a Week,” Washington Post, December 6, 2006
Broken Promise: Of the 21 weeks in session through June 22, 2007, only six have included full five-day work weeks. – Office of the Clerk Web Site

Since I don't want this post to be like 10 pages, I'll let you go to the link yourself and read the other 98.

The whole thing is just completely pathetic. By the way a 9% approval rating is the lowest EVER since Rasmussen began polling.

Nowhere else would this be considered acceptable and it shouldn't be in congress either.


  1. Who the hell was the 9%?

    Question by Jim!

  2. Kind of makes me wonder how Will would rate me as a Mommy.... hehe

    But seriously, with gas prices at over $4 a gallon, I'm surprised that they were even able to muster out 9%!!
