It only took me 4 years...but I think I'm getting this whole motherhood thing down. When I look back and think about how terrified I was, it's amazing I EVER left the house. I know I've learned a few things over the past couple years. One being, I now know what true friendship is and who my friends are. I can sometimes really be fooled, and I was shocked by that. I've had to also come to terms with some painful "relationships" ending. I don't call them friendships, because if they were friends they never would have stopped being my friend. Some of these endings were lifelong experiences and some were very new. What do you think was harder? I'm not really sure. I think the new ones just made you feel like an idiot for trusting, the old ones have so much history attached.
I've learned neither my kid or I need a "Mom's Playgroup" to enjoy our lives. In fact, I have only found groups of mother's to be mean and hurtful. So, I've plucked out the good people and moved on!!